Young Daavi and his beloved sister Shoshana live next door to the village carpenter Yeshu.
Entranced by tales the carpenter spins as he works, the boy becomes Yeshu's helper, learning of a starpath upon which enlightened people can journey.
This lesson is deepened by Yeshu's wilderness-walking cousin, Yohanan, who shows Daavi how nature's humblest creatures can be guides to the Spirit moving within us.
Charles D. Kleymeyer
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“I finished YESHU, turned to page one, and began reading again.”
"While reading your book during a time of spiritual crisis, I found myself lifted up and thrown open…”
“For the first time in my life I found the figure of Jesus to be truly accesible.
It took my breath away.”
“What a story! What a book! It really struck me how nature figures in as a protagonist.”
“Your novel sparked a spiritual rebirth in me. For that, I thank you.”
Cover image: Marsha Lederman